Our Capabilities

Wall SawingWall sawing is a common practice that is used to create square openings into an existing concrete form. Wall sawing allows for the seamless installation of door and window frames with no patching required. Our equipment can saw concrete, brick and block walls up to 27” deep. Openings can be cut with or without overcut.


Holes utilizes wall saws, quickie saws, chain saws and ring saws to achieve job completion.

Hand Sawing

Use of a hand held saw equipped with a diamond segmented blade to cut square openings in a slab, wall or roof. Holes utilizes gas, electric and hi-cycle equipment to cut openings up to 12 inches deep.

Chain Sawing

Use of a hand held chain saw equipped with a diamond segmented chain to cut a square openings in brick, block and tilt wall up to 17 3/4 inches thick. Holes utilizes gas and hi-cycle equipment to support different jobsite conditions.

Hand Sawing Photos